Dodgry unreservedly embraces the fact that business are driven by customer engagements and relationships. This passion applies to the world of work; empathising with customers, helping to find solutions, and resolving their business challenges.
He is an avid keyboard player, a minister of religion, and an international public speaker. Outside of the mesmerising notes he plays on the keyboard, his dedication to creating value that delights customers, brings music to the ears and hearts of hundreds of businesses who are seeking to find a strategic business partner or advisor. He goes at length to ensure that they are provided with best-of-its-kind experiences.
For Dodgry, business isn’t simply work, it is a passion; one that led to qualifications including an MBA in International business, a Bachelor’s in business Professional Management and Certifications in Audit Command Language (ACL). His educational background gives him a keen understanding of various areas of business, enabling him to successfully manoeuvre customer challenges.
In his capacity, Dodgry manages, monitors and strives to exceed customer expectations, tracking their progress through interactions at key touch points along the customer journey.
With over 10 years’ experience at MC Systems, Dodgry has led the charge in various departments. With his extensive knowledge of the industry, expertise, enthusiasm, and leadership capabilities, he is an invaluable member of the MC Systems family.
His philosophy is that every task in life requires effort on the part of the person that is called to perform it.
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