Archives: Insights

January 30, 2025

Smart Cities Will Ease Traffic and Spur Economic Growth

Traffic congestion and lack of adequate parking in New Kingston could be a thing of the past if it were to successfully…

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Maximize your Payroll data to improve your company’s performance

Do you know how to maximize your data to improve your company’s performance? With the growing importance of the Internet and the…

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Digital Transformation Is A Team Sport

If you have been keeping track of the conversations on digital transformation, then it would be no surprise to know that one…

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Now Is The Time To Put Your Payroll In The Cloud 

With remote work now in full effect in Jamaica, business leaders are no doubt reimagining their operations to ensure it is fit…

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Digital Payments Enabling Business Continuity

Social/physical distancing is part of the new normal for the Jamaican economy, as with many economies across the globe. For businesses this…

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Digitalisation: The SME key to business acceleration

Digitalisation is essential to business acceleration, particularly with the surge in reliance on the digital spaces to promote business continuity. For SMEs,…

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Going digital: A gateway to better SME customer experience

With all the necessary changes business have undergone to retool and recalibrate in an ever-shifting global economy, the discussion has begun to…

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a large machine in a large building

Digital Transformation: The strategy for the immediate and long-term future for the Manufacturing sector

Globally manufacturing sector is experiencing more uncertainty about the future than they have in decades.Consequently, forecasters have all had to recast their…

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Financial Services Providers: The Right Tech for your People and Customers

It is irrefutable that as businesses seek to normalise in the face of disruptive wave of change, digital technology is the pathway…

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laptop computer on glass-top table

Digital Currency: A Game Changer for the Jamaican Economy

The imminent introduction of digital currency to the Jamaican financial landscape will be a game changer that will push the country forward…

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